Home Away From Home!


Not enough space on your device? Need more files from the home computer when on the go? Need more songs and videos than your device’s capacity? No worries! We’ve got just the solution for you- the Kingston Wi-Drive! Now you can have it all- portability, expanded storage and casual sharing.  with the Kingston Wi-Drive you can take an extra 16 or 32GB wherever you go. this can includes PDFs, music photos and videos. In other words, you can carry anything from your home computer when you are on the go. The Kingston Wi-Drive can be used with all your devices whether it be your, iPad, iPod Touch, or your iPhone. This pocket-sized Wi-Drive makes easier for you to go anywhere and still be able to email 10MB worth of files ,copy and open documents and amidst this you can simultaneously access the internet. All this and much more only a Wi-Drive away!

Visit CellJewel.com to prurchase the Kingston Wi-Drive for only $99.99!